

变色龙:Chameleon音标:英 [k??mi:li?n]美 [k??milj?n, -?mili?n]详细释义chameleonn.变色蜥蜴,变色龙anolen.变色龙,变色蜥[电影]Zelign.齐利格(m.);[电影]变色龙数据来源:金山词霸例句1.他就像一条变色龙,可以神不知鬼不觉地隐藏在背景中间。Like a chameleon, he could merge unobtrusively into the background《柯林斯高阶英汉双解学习词典》2.变色龙是一种变换颜色以适应其四周环境的小动物;它借此躲避危险,几乎不为人所注意。A chameleon is a small animal which changes its colour to suit its surroundings; in this way it avoid danger and is hardly noticed.


dragon 读音:英 [?dr?g?n] 美 [?dr?ɡ?n] n.龙,龙船;[D-][天文学]天龙(星座);[口语、贬义]脾气暴躁的人 复数: dragons 例句:

1、Later, dragon became the symbol of power and monarch. 后来,龙成了权利和帝王的象征。

2、Dragon represents power and good luck. 龙代表权力和幸运。

3、The dragonfly becomes a dragon in his dream. 在他的梦中,那只蜻蜓变成了一条龙。

4、Water is not deep, the dragon was alien. 水不一定要深,有了龙就灵异了。


  • Qin Shenglong dont forget to bring me home


  • My Favourite Star——Jackie ChanMy idol is Jackie chan,he is my only idols.He has a big nose and putting on grand AIRS eyes.He has no outstanding appearance,but had a kind heart and friendly smile.He think of others,with his contact person all thumbs up to him.But,we only see him the brilliant that side,in his behind success,but pay unimaginably bitterness.He repeated failure长搐拜诽之赌瓣涩抱绩,and again fall,but,tenacious stood up.He used his own life,to complete again and again,how many times the fugitive stunt too-big with death,but he never gives up,for can brings visual regale,he and wive class working night and day so diligent work.Now theJackie gege although resist age trace,but he still has a single active heart.I believe that the sky belongs to chan more blue!


  • 龙的英语怎么写我想知道 能告诉我吗
  • dragon